The father-son duo Shah Rukh Khan and AbRam Khan are favourite of social media buffs. We have seen how they bond with each other. Be it at cricket stadium, any social gathering or at the airport, King Khan and his little munchkin are well known for their naughty acts and fans simply love them watching together. Like father, even AbRam has a huge list of fan followers. All of us eagerly keep waiting to catch a glimpse of the little one but the much protective family have made sure that the shutterbugs get least chance to capture AbRam.
We all know how concern is Shah Rukh Khan about his three children - Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. There were times when media asked King Khan on when Aryan will make his Bollywood debut and we have heard his reply on the same. Recently SRK was at Hyderabad to receive the honorary doctorate from Maulana Azad National Urdu University. In an interview there he once again opened up about his son AbRam and his other two kids as well. He spoke on how he manages to spend time with all the three despite of having hectic schedule.
Shah Rukh Khan was quoted saying, "I look after my three kids the same way. I have given them a bath, taken them to the toilet and even put them to sleep. I have also dropped them at school every morning. As a matter of fact, AbRam will be going to school in four months and I’m looking forward to driving him to school. I want my kids to have their father always with them because I lost my parents early. Gauri is always there, she’s an amazing mother, but since I am out shooting so much, I want to be there whenever I can," reports Pop Diaries.
About the little star in the family Shah Rukh Khan was further quoted saying, "AbRam keeps me completely shielded from the vagaries of work or I could just be thinking about films. But now that I have him, he takes my mind off things. He’s an amazing gift and I plan to teach him till class seven." Now you might be wondering what could be reason SRK is not planning to teach AbRam after his class seven. Shah Rukh Khan says, "After his seventh standard, I can’t teach him because then I will need to study a lot again."
On the work front, the King of Romance will soon be seen in ‘Raees’ in which Mahira Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui will also share screen space with him. He is also working with Imtiaz Ali for ‘The Ring’ in which Anushka Sharma is paired opposite him. Keep watching this space for all Bollywood updates.